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Jawnt's 2024 State of Commuter Benefits Report

We asked about commuter benefits. More than 400 HR practitioners answered.

HR professionals from around the U.S. answered our biggest commuter benefit questions for Jawnt's 2024 State of Commuter Benefits Report.


• Which benefits are employees most excited about?
• How can your company increase program enrollment, ease demand for parking, and meet social and environmental goals?
• Is your company’s commuter benefits program competitive?

Ready to explore the responses to these questions, as well as benchmark commuter benefits data by industry and company size? Fill out the form to receive the report in your inbox!

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Frequent Questions

Wait, what  is Jawnt?

Jawnt is a transit benefits technology company. We were founded in Philly (hence the name), but operate nationwide. We help employers offer the best commuter benefits possible to their employees, for cheaper, easier, and greener commutes. We also work directly with transit agencies to administer things like institutional pass programs, and zero fare programs.

Why is Jawnt putting out this report?

The Jawnt team is full of transit enthusiasts and data nerds. When we went looking for baseline data about how employees and employers were using their commuter benefits, we couldn't find any. So, we decided to build our own. We know we all benefit from better transit, which is why we're sharing our findings.

I disagree with something in the report!

That's cool! We'd love to hear about it. Drop us a line: