Meet the Team: Kapish
Gotten a Jawnt demo recently? You may have met Kapish! Get to know our Senior Account Executive.

Gotten a Jawnt demo recently? You may have met Kapish! Get to know our Senior Account Executive.
Gotten a Jawnt demo recently? You may have met Kapish! Get to know our Senior Account Executive.
Washington, DC
WMATA Red Line. After spending time in Chicago & LA for a bit, I realized how good DC has it when it comes to public transit. Big believer in DC having the second best transit system in the country (no one’s beating NYC).
6 months
I talk with HR & Benefit teams to understand the challenges that have historically prevented them from having a successful commuter benefits program. Then I help co-create a vision of what Jawnt could look like for them and the lives of employees.
Before Jawnt, companies never really had set any benchmarks or goals on what an ideal commuter benefit enrollment rate looks like for their workforce. My favorite thing that I have helped customers with is doing what we call Transit Competitiveness Score Analysis. We look into all the zip codes employees live in (don’t worry, it’s anonymous) and determine which ones can reasonably take public transit to work. We then present this to HR/Benefit teams and co-create goals we can aim towards. The biggest thing I’ve taken away from doing these…there is really no reason an office in NYC should not have 100% commuter benefit enrollment!
I want to see people’s perspective towards public transit change. I feel like there is a stereotype that sounds a little like “public transit is for people that can’t afford cars or plane tickets.” That’s sad. You saw this come out when the Philadelphia 76ers took Amtrak up to NYC to play the Knicks for two playoff games in April. People on Twitter were flaming them and calling them things like “poverty franchise”. But let's be real…Penn Station literally sits underneath Madison Square Garden - where the games were being played. In what world is getting to the airport early, taking a plane ride to JFK, and sitting on a team bus for 1 hour+ trying to get into Manhattan more convenient?
A few books I like to turn to often are Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman & The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang. As far as podcasts go - I’m an avid lister of The Hoop Collective with Brian Windhorst.
Going to London, Amsterdam, Belgium & Paris in the fall.
Any Jose Andres’ restaurant in DC. Can’t pick one, but my top three are The Bazaar, Zaytinya & Oyamel. Not only is the food great, but I love everything Jose Andres stands for as a human being. Plus he’s a fellow die-hard Washington Wizards fan like me :)
Want to grab some time with Kapish to see what Jawnt can do for your organization (or to get a Transit Competitiveness Score Analysis of your very own?) Grab some time here.
The latest commuter benefit trends, transportation news, and more.